Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the Google 'sandbox'

The 'Sandbox' is about trust through links. It is applied on a page by page basis. This has been observed and studied across 70+ new websites over the past 2 years.

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What many call the sandbox effect is simply an extension of the way Google normally places web pages into its primary and secondary indexes.

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Links are required to get into the SERPS for any term (primary index). You don't get in until Google sees enough satisfactory, trusted links. Also, an interesting factor comeing into play is the way Google returns pages for three or four word terms. This is if one of the words is highly competitive. If enough websites in the primary index (which depends heavily on links) exist, you won't appear in those results. It doesn't matter if your title tag and on-page SEO is 100% targetted for the phrase. Drill-down into the SERPS to the point where you see irrelevant sites. Still, you won't see your web page. Basically, it doesn't meet the criteria to appear. There are not enough trusted links.


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